Five Years of Smart Mobility Management in St.Gallen
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I am talking with personal experience as I have personally witnessed the creation of a Smart Mobility Management Program by the University of St.Gallen in Switzerland. As a student, in its first year - as a guinea-pig so to say. And now, a mere five years later, a whole platform has been created. Its base: A Swiss certificate course packed with expertise, network and experience. Smart and professional mobility management is taught in St.Gallen (and partially in Munich), a course with three parts, each lasting for a week and full of learnings, talks about digitally driven innovations, lecturers from academia and practice and a network full of decision makers from all areas of the mobility spectrum. The Program teaches skills, mindsets and future trends. Group presentations make sure, that practise is applied: In short, the CAS SMM enables the participants with the necessary and required tools to facilitate change towards sustainable, self-determined and intelligent smart mobility.

"128 highly motivated SMART Mobility Managers (HSG) aged between 26 and 64 are shaping the future of our mobility in DACH. Our growing smart mobility network, the exchange of experiences with lecturers and with each other, make our participants fit for the mobility revolution," says Dr. Hans-Peter Kleebinder, Managing Director Executive Education at the Institute for Mobility at the University of St. Gallen.

And while the Smart Mobility Management Course in St.Gallen is clearly focussing on education in mobility matters, MOTION Magazine accompanies these efforts with its lifestyle publication. We are proud partners of the program and very happy to offer a stage for mobility experts to provide their insights in future mobility, infrastructure and energy topics. In our Edition V of MOTION Magazine we asked Stefanie Berliner about her views on the developments in the eVTOL sector. Also Professor Andreas Herrmann gave us his opinion on the current status of change in European mobility topics. Get your own copy of MOTION Magazine here, deliveries start at the end of May.

We must do everything we can to support the courageous, the bold, the pioneers and inventors of the current era, so that the reinvention of the automobile also meets with broad approval and laws and regulations are adapted for it now. I look forward to meeting fellow campaigners and allies who will shape this future with me.
Johann Jungwirth, Vice President Mobileye

Here are some feedback from participants of the first years

Jonas Seyfferth: "... so the great thing about the program for me personally is that the value of the network really increases every year. The first year was a lot about content, the second year was about people. And now, in the third year, it's really about how I can bring this content and people together and thus actually bring the mobility transition to the streets. And it's just great to be part of this journey."

Caroline Mayer: "It's not just the technical expertise, but the exchange of visions, day after day and at every event. The network is what makes this entire training program what it is and why I would definitely recommend and encourage everyone to take part."

Matthias Ballweg: "For me, the Smart Mobility program is above all an encouragement. An incredible number of people from almost every class so far have started up, taken on really great positions and dared to take big steps. The people who join this program are starting to really understand impact and are taking a big step towards impact. It's great to see what's happening."

Cheers to the first five years of smart mobility management taught in St.Gallen. We are celebrating these first five years and look forward to many more.

Photos courtesy of Michael Brecht & Hochschule St.Gallen.
