Make Low-Altitude Mobility accessible to Everyone
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As an integral part of the XPENG Motorsecosystem, XPENG AEROHT last year shared its vision for the future of mobility.The "Land Aircraft Carrier" marks a significant step toward thecommercialisation of land-air vehicles. Last year, the company reached crucialmilestones, including the acceptance of a type approval application—anessential move toward regulatory certification—and a public demonstration ofits first manned flight. In 2024, XPENG AEROHT secured $150 million in SeriesB1 funding and began construction of the world's first mass production facilityfor modular flying cars in Guangzhou, China. Covering approximately 180,000square meters, this state-of-the-art plant will produce up to 10,000 flightmodules annually, combining aerospace quality with the efficiency ofautomotive-scale production.

LandAircraft Carrier: The Future of Modern Mobility

Conventional aircraft come with a heftyprice tag and plenty of logistical challenges—massive hangars, frequentmaintenance, and special infrastructure for electric models just to name a few.Becoming a licensed pilot takes years of training, and once on the ground,mobility is often limited, requiring towing to reach runways. The "LandAircraft Carrier" aims to change all that, offering a game-changingsolution with the world’s first autonomous coupling system. For the first timeever, the air module can automatically attach to the ground vehicle and stowaway in the trunk, making it easier than ever to get from A to B. Theground-based "mother ship" can take the air module anywhere, and witha single command, it autonomously detaches. The wings unfold, the landing gearpops out, and it’s off to the skies. After landing, the air module reconnectswith the ground vehicle, folds its wings back in, and tucks away for a smoothtransition to the next stop.

The lightweight panoramic cockpit of theair module is made of carbon fibre and features a dual six-rotor design withfolding propellers and arms. The two-seat, 270-degree panoramic cockpit offersperfect visibility during flight. Safety features of the air module includefully redundant systems for propulsion, power supply, communication, flightcontrol, and operation, as well as an automatic emergency response in the eventof rotor failure within milliseconds. Rigorous testing with 200 units has provenexceptional reliability even under adverse conditions.

TheGround-Based "Mother Ship": A Six-Wheeled Vehicle

Measuring 5.5 meters long, 2 meterswide, and 2 meters high, the ground module fits into regular parking spaces andgarages. Inspired by the sleek design of a moon rover, the "Land AircraftCarrier" boasts sharp, cyber-mech lines, dynamic curves, and crystallinefront headlights. The floating roof, dark wheel arches, and retractable sidemirrors add a futuristic touch. Translucent glass reveals the air moduleinside, offering a glimpse of a spacious, four-seat cabin. And for an addeddose of luxury, the electric double-wing doors at the rear open automaticallyto reveal the stowed air module.

"Our goal is to make the freedom offlying accessible to everyone while pioneering innovations and industrybreakthroughs in the field of low-altitude mobility," said Dr. Brian Gu,Vice Chairman and President of XPENG.

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